AIS Conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering
American Institute of Sciences has recently announced an international conference on nature inspired surface engineering – The First International Conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE 2019).
The conference will be held on June 12-14, 2019 at the Stevens Institute of Sciences, New Jersey, USA.
NISE 2019’s chair is Dr. Chang-Hwan Choi, Department of Mechanical Engineering of Stevens Institute of Technology.
Dr. K.-C. Kenneth Park, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, will contribute to the conference as technical committee chair.
Nature Inspired Engineering
“Some of the best engineering isn’t done by engineers, but they exist in the natural world. Remember how plants and animals have inspired inventions.
Many problems engineers deal with are already already solved in the nature. For example, when Mercedes-Benz wanted to make a more aerodynamic car, they looked at the shape of fish for inspiration, knowing that they are shaped to move through the water efficiently. Similarly, polar bears’ hollow fur has inspired modern synthetic textiles to keep humans warm.” (Source: Bright Knowledge)
Nature Inspired Surface Engineering
Nature, such as plants, insects, and marine animals, shows unique surface properties in their components (e.g., leaves, wings, eyes, legs, and skins) for multiple purposes, such as water-repellency, anti-adhesion, and anti-reflection. Such multifunctional surface properties are attributed to three-dimensional and hierarchical surface structures with modulated surface chemistry and mechanical pliability. Over the last couple of decades, we have witnessed a significant advancement in the fundamental understanding of surface and interfacial phenomena of such multifunctional surfaces as well as the design, fabrication, and applications of those coatings/surfaces/materials. The NISE conference provides a means of reporting and sharing the latest developments in the nature-inspired surface engineering, encompassing physics, chemistry, biology, material science, and various engineering disciplines.
What is good for presenters is that selected abstracts will be recommended for the publication to sponsored journals including International Journal of Wettability Science and Technology and Micromachines.
Click here to go to conference page and to get detailed information.