American Institute of Sciences Conference Management Module

American Institute of Sciences

AIS supports academics and researchers by providing them with platforms where they present their research, seek new knowledge, and find networking opportunities.

International Nature-Inspired Surface Engineering Conferences

Nature, such as plants, insects, and marine animals, shows unique surface properties in their components (e.g., leaves, wings, eyes, legs, and skins) for multiple purposes, such as water-repellency, anti-adhesion, and anti-reflection. Such multifunctional surface properties are attributed to three-dimensional and hierarchical surface structures with modulated surface chemistry and mechanical pliability. Over the last couple of decades, we have witnessed a significant advancement in the fundamental understanding of surface and interfacial phenomena of such multifunctional surfaces as well as the design, fabrication, and applications of those coatings/surfaces/materials. The International Nature-Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE) Conferences provide a means of reporting and sharing the latest developments in the nature-inspired surface engineering, encompassing physics, chemistry, biology, material science, and various engineering disciplines.

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International Climate Change Conferences

What is the place of spirituality today in the face of climatic and environmental instability? In the light of contemporary science and public policy, is the function of religion to ameliorate, or exacerbate, the current crisis of climate disruption? How might scholarly fields such as climate science, religious studies, and political theory contribute to a new understanding of the positive role various faith communities might play in the current climate debate – as well as the negative role such communities might play in their resistance to climate science and political action based on the strictures of their ancient traditions? In sum, these conferences will ask: What new forms of social and political action might be possible by faith communities’ efforts to address constructively catastrophic climate disorder, both within their own communities and across other communities?

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