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LEE, Sang-Hyeon, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea
Lee, Sang-Hyeon, UNIST
LEE, SOOMIN, Pukyong National University Department of Metallurgical Engineering
Lee, Stephanie, Stevens Institute of Technology
Lee, Suhwan, School of mechanical engineering, Pusan National University
Lee, Sumin, Pukyong National University
Lee, WooJae, Pusan National University
Lee, Yeon Soo, School of Chemical Engineering Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) 2066 Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, 16419, Republic of Korea
Lee, Yongkyung, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea
Legrand, Quentin, <p>Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes</p><p>Ecole Centrale de Lyon</p>
Li, Ling, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech
Lim, Hyuneui, Korea Institute of Machinery &amp; Materials
Lim, Joowon, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BK21 FOUR ERICA-ACE Center, Hanyang University, Ansan, Gyeonggi 15588, Republic of Korea
Liu, Guojun, Queen's University
LIU, Minjie, Department of Mechanical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
Liu, Yahua, Dalian University of Technology
Lone, Saifullah, <p><sup>1</sup>Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology (NIT), J&amp;K, Srinagar India, 190006</p> <p><sup>2</sup>iDREAM (Interdisciplinary Division for Renewable Energy &amp; Advanced Materials), Laboratory for Bioinspired Research on Ad
Lone, Saifullah, iDREAM (Interdisciplinary Division for Renewable Energy &amp; Advanced Materials) National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar India, 190006, Phone: 91-60005221589 Corresponding e-mail: [email protected] (India)
Lorenzelli, Leandro
Lubig, Kevin, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena
Lungevics, Janis, <em>Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, </em>Riga Technical University
Lv, Cunjing, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University
Lyons, Alan M, CUNY and ARLD


MacGregor, Melanie, Flinders University

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